The fungus of immortality: THE GANODERMA LUCIDUM
...Origin of the reishi mushroom or Ganoderma lucidum...
Ganoderma lucidum or reishi is a fungus known throughout Asia for millennia for its medicinal properties. It is known as Lingzhi in China, and in Japan as Reishi (Divine Mushroom) or Mannentake (10,000-year-old or immortality mushroom).
In the West it is known as both Ganoderma lucidum and reishi. In any case, it is always the same fungus, with the same properties and health benefits and the only thing that varies is the name.
According to recent studies, this mushroom has more than 150 antioxidants and phyto-nutrients, a value much higher than that of any other medicinal mushroom, plant or herb, making it one of the most perfect foods that we can find in nature.
This very fact has led many to classify this fungus as miraculous or as a superfood. There is a mixture of reishi, shiitake and maitake, which is marketed in capsules, which contains precisely these three great foods together and with their compressed properties.
...Characteristics of reishi...
It is a kidney-shaped fungus, when it is natural before drying it is flattened, smooth and with reddish tones. It grows on the trunks of aged trees, in the subtropical forests of Asia. Its characteristics can even vary according to the environmental conditions of the place where it grew.
Oriental medicine has used and known its properties for more than 2000 years, but in the West it was only recently known and began to be studied in the 1980s. Task that is not simple since it has more than 400 bioactive components, all of them with various therapeutic and nutritional properties that make it an exciting gem for those interested in health and well-being, whether researchers or simply, people seeking a balance .
During the reign of Emperor Han Wu Di, around 2,100 years ago, Ganoderma Lucidum was discovered to grow throughout the palace. Officers attributed this unusual sight to the emperor merits and virtues. He was believed to have touched heaven and earth to achieve the growth of Ganoderma Lucidum on the palace grounds. If the emperor was wise and kind, heaven would show him promising signs. Ganoderma Lucidum is a medicinal mushroom with a variety of biological activities. It has long been used as a folk remedy for promoting health and longevity in China and other eastern countries.
Lingzhi is the Chinese name for Ganoderma Lucidum. The history of Ganoderma Lucidum as an herb has been extensively documented in the oldest Chinese Pharmacopoeia, "Shenzhen Nong¨´s Herbal Classic´´. Ganoderma Lucidum was seen as a symbol of prosperity and peace for the nation and of longevity for the emperor.

Leow Soon Seng, through a tissue culture process, generates a hybrid of the 6 Ganoderma varieties with more nutrients, allowing their properties to be maintained. It organizes mass production; extracts the extract of Ganoderma Lucidum soluble in water, oil and alcohol, guaranteeing between 80% and 90% more results in the absorption of nutrients. It is put in vehicles of high rotation so that anyone can consume it.

Since 1983 the fungus has been investigated, finding 200 varieties of it and 6 with very powerful properties:
• Yellow fungus: works on the spleen and stomach.
• Green Mushroom: acts on the liver.
• Black Fungus: acts on the kidneys, bladder and brain.
• Purple Mushroom: acts on the joints.
• White Fungus: acts on the lungs, skin and intestine.
• Red Mushroom: acts on the heart and intestine.
Within the same investigation of Ganoderma Lucidum, it was discovered that this: It is adaptogen. It does not have a maximum dose. It has no contraindications. It does not generate addiction. Levels discrepancies in the body. It does not lose properties over time.
Ganoderma nourishes and detoxifies. It reaches the digestive system, regulates the pH of the stomach so that it works correctly, lowers the intestine and recovers its regular movement, regenerates the intestinal flora, makes cells function better and has better absorption of nutrients and good digestion. Then it passes into the bloodstream, regulates triglycerides, cholesterol, sugar, hormonal problems and provides good oxygenation of the body. It acts as an immunomodulator regulating the defenses.
Ganoderma is considered a SUPER FOOD.
15 times more magnesium than broccoli.
7 times more vitamin C than orange.
8 times more Omega 3 than salmon.
8 times more antioxidants than plum.
6 times more calcium than milk.
3 times more iron than spinach.
More vegetable proteins than legumes.
Garlic: 9 antioxidants.
Cinnamon: 11 antioxidants.
Green tea: 14 antioxidants.
Avocado: 7 antioxidants.
Orange: 5 antioxidants.
Strawberry: 10 antioxidants.
Tomato: 8 antioxidants.
Brocoli: 7 antioxidants.
Ganoderma Lucidum: 154 antioxidants.
• Women in the first trimester of pregnancy who have not taken it before.
• Hemophiliacs.
• Blood thinners taking warfarin (Your doctor will monitor the dose of the drug).
The positive effects of Ganoderma in certain cases are not desired, due to specific conditions.
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